Investor relations

Shareholders structure

We present a detailed description of the share ownership structure in a division to the number of shares owned and number of votes at the General Shareholders’ Meeting, and information on series of shares to date.

Share ownership

shareholder shares quantity % of shares voices qnt. % of total
Nicolay Mayster
2 636 480 48,82% 3 136 480 49,01%
Kamil Rosiak 500 000 9,26% 1 000 000 15,62%
Alicja Gackowska
324 000 6,00% 324 000 5,06%
Others 1 939 520 35,92% 1 939 520 30,31 %
Total 5 400 000 100% 6 400 000 100%


shares series

series shares quantity nominal value share capital
shares series A 1 000 000 0,10 100 000
shares series B 3 000 000 0,10 300 000
shares series C 1 400 000 0,10 140 000
Total 5 400 000 540 000

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