MCA5tech is designed for local collection, recording and analysis of data from devices belonging to one building, installation or switching station. It is an autonomous device, i.e. it enables both data acquisition, archiving and processing, as well as presentation of the analysis results.
The objective of the application of this device is acquisition of detailed knowledge on the functioning of the building and its technical installations, as well as supporting the process of inference (supervision, diagnostics, optimisation).
MCA5tech functions
MCA5tech can read data from most measuring devices and sensors with the use of the Ethernet port, serial ports, binary inputs and popular communication protocols. The configuration of the measurement structure is intuitive and based on the available patterns.
The acquired data is saved on a local data carrier in configurable time periods. It is possible to replicate the database on-line on a remote server.
The recorded data can be submitted to mathematical processing. Owing to this, for example, advanced alerts, anomaly detection and inference are possible.
The effect of MCA5tech work is accessible via the website (Web server function) in the form of dashboards presenting the results of the analyzes. The user can utilise the available model dashboards containing the know-how of energy specialists. It is also possible to develop dashboards adjusted to specific business needs.
For users utilising a superordinate system such as BMS, SCADA etc. MCA5tech can be used as a data gateway.
The transfer of source and processed data can take place in one of many data exchange standards.
Media analysis
Data analysis examples
Correct determination of the ordered capacity (in case of electricity, gas) does not prevent penalties for excessive consumption from being applied. Such situations usually result from a malfunction or maintenance shutdown of, e.g. gas boiler, or power outage. Restarting causes abnormal energy demand, and, as a result, excessive consumption of the ordered capacity. Using the MCA5tech power keeper function prevents such errors from happening.
Setting the actual energy demand takes place automatically after the end of supervision of the data from the billing meter for a previously chosen period. Energy demand will be set in accordance with appropriate legal regulations, and for the purpose of choosing the appropriate energy-transmission-and-conversion technical infrastructure.
Efficiency, defined as the energy input/energy output ratio of energy converters, changes constantly. It depends on the operating parameters (working point of the device), primary energy efficiency, as well as working order of the device. The knowledge of these correlations is the key to reaching high energy efficiency of the installation.
The amount and extent of water utilisation for the purpose of welfare needs depend on the number of tenants. MCA5tech can determine a highly approximate number of tenants, on the basis of analysis of the data taken from the water gauges (hot and cold) installed on the premises.
Estimated legal regulations will make the sustainability of energy storage very low. Knowing that there is a possibility of immediate use of solar energy is the vital piece of information in the process of investment planning. MCA5tech determines this probability on the basis of outcome indicators and actual energy demands.
Data structure